If you intend to drive a rigid lorry for a living you must obtain the CPC qualification. This entails sitting a case study theory test, as mentioned above, and sitting a practical walkaound test. The walkaround test can be taken directly before or after your driving test. Your instructor will advise you when and how to apply for same and provide material necessary to prepare for the test. Once the case study and practical walkaround tests are passed you will obtain a Driver Qualification card (cpc card) from the RSA which allows you to driver professionally

Both the driving test and walkaround test are booked through and conducted by the RSA @rsa.ie

Book truck multiple choice theory test @ theorytest.ie

Book truck case study theory test @theorytest.ie


Apply for leaner permit in category C at your nearest national driver licencing

Service (ndls.ie)

Book your first lesson with Hynes Driving School!

Age Requirement: 18 Years

Areas Available: Mullingar, Tullamore and Birr

Days Tuition: 7 Days a Week

Learner Permit Permit Required? Yes for Category C

Lesson Prices:

€140 per 1.5 hours

€250 hire of coach for test (includes pre-test lesson)

Enquire about special offers!

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